Sailors need to be a financial member of their State Association to participate in Optimist events - Racing, Coaching, State and National Championships.
State Membership includes membership of the National and International Optimist Associations. Parents of the Optimist members will automatically become members of the Optimist Association and are eligible to vote at State and National AGM's and SGM's.
To register your boat and get a sail number, to transfer ownership of a boat or for any other boat registration queries please see Boat Registration instructions on the AIODA website.
Is it an Optimist?
Location of ISAF/World Sailing Plaque

Sample Plaques
Please see below an example of your ISAF (old) or World Sailing (new) Plaque.

Getting a Sail Number
When you get your new sail it probably will not have the necessary sail numbers on it. These are issued by the national sailing association or, in some cases, by the National Optimist Association.
Find out from your national Optimist Association and send whoever issues them the Registration Book you will have received with the new boat and the appropriate fee.
There are new rules on the type of Letters and Numbers that can be applied to an Optimist Sail. Check out the Racing Rules of Sailing Appendix G located here before you apply any numbers to your sail.
Sail Suppliers: New sails can be obtained from these suppliers (& others), sail numbers can be fitted at time of purchase or purchased directly and fitted yourself.
Current Class Rules & Sail Measurement
Please follow this link to access the IODA Website to find the latest version of the class rules and sail measurement form.